Monday 30 October 2017

Truman meets Matrix adjustment bureau, code, telepathy, semi-telepathy


Telepathy can be defined as communication from one mind to another by extra-sensory means. -

- Mind to Mind
- Indicators, could be thought of as a sort of subtext of the fore-talk to indicate what the receiver should be listening to, “I’ll go put (in) the jug on”. Where the word in is said fast and wouldn’t be pick up by a causal listener, but those who pick it up will listen for the message in the noise of the jug boiling.
- In the breath/breathing between spoken words(double communication)
- In Movements(hand gestures, hand movements), heard as words in mind as opposed to reading body language
- Nasally
- In coughs, coughing etc
- In the pulse, in the heartbeat, twitches
- With other noises around, those made by sender and others
  • Stirring cups of hot drinks
  • Coughs, sneezes, snores, sighs, humming, whistling
  • Knifes and forks on plates
  • cars driving by
  • Jugs boiling

- In high low frequency humms, tones
- In music, with the lyrics, or the beats
- In offbeat manner mixed within normal conversation. In the off-beats.
- Same sentence of conversation through multiple people(some sort of collective consciousness, or one consciousness playing many characters(people) at the same time)

Compressing many ideas into short message shows organised mind. - ?

Communication out of character, as in the truman, or MMORPG, LARP theory. Telepathy could be thought of as cheating or out-of-character communication that may not be picked up by the audience or the Truman.

Sensing that with your mind through your mask. The mask is the character, the avatared, or trueMan could be the one behind the mask, with the mask not knowing they are a mask.

The telepathy can be received as words in the receivers mind. In the voice of the character sending the message or another voice. Multiple conversations at once.
- Ability to talk and hear at the same time, input and output at same time, meaning replying to fore conversation in speak and hearing/receiving back-conversation with mind/ears/sight.
- Ability to talk in speak and mind at the same time
- Ability to speak within speech(double conversation at once, usually about totally different subjects)
- Ability to have two or three conversations at once simultaneously
- Ability to hear both with ears and mind, two/three or more conversations at once

Can you decipher what is being said in this semi-mix?  before and within the music?

I know you're watching? :).......The fourth wall :O